

Anh Pham is a writer from California currently living in New York. He writes both long and short fiction, and sometimes poetry.



I followed the trail
Past your dust
Covered Subara,
The passenger seat
Littered with maps,

Into the Sea
Of Trees.
Past the sign that read:
“Your life is a precious gift”
In Katakana,

To a dropped compass
Pointing south,
And another east,
Both pointing to
Mount Fuji.

I followed the red
Tape, your favorite color,
Through the chasms
Of emptiness, crunching leaves
The only sounds for a kilometer.
I came upon your shoes first.
The Timberlands you bought
On vacation in California,
Then your jeans worn
By weather and time,

Then your jacket,
The one I bought you
Before you left for university
An arm grasping
Kanzen Jisatsu Manyuaru1

I said a prayer,
And wept to myself.
I followed the red
Tape back down
Through the haunted

Forest, wondering
If this tape was meant for
Me to find you?
Or you to find
Your way home.

1 The Complete Manual of Suicide
written by Wataru Tsurumi

Hannah and Nozomu | Part 1

Hannah and Nozomu | Part 1

Leda And The Stars

Leda And The Stars